Workshop Block 1

December 6, 3:00 – 4:00 pm

Always the Hopper, Never the Homie: Examination of Toxic Masculinity and Misogynoir in the Classroom

The Gay Agenda: A Focused View on LGBTQIA+ Needs in Sexual Health Education

Ignite the Future: Empowering Youth through Teen Conference

Let’s Talk About Sex: The Role of Parents/Caretakers in Developing Healthy Relationships

So You Think You Consent?: Somatics in Sex Ed

Workshop Block 2

December 6, 4:15 – 5:15 pm

Consent Beyond Yes: Collaborative Consent for Sexier Sex

Got Me F***** Up: P.O.V. In Blackness, Sexuality, and Mental Health

The “Masculinity Is What YOU Make It” Campaign

Overhauling the Explanation of Human Reproduction

Put It on Paper!: Zinemaking for Sex Ed

Workshop Block 3

December 7, 9:30 – 10:30 am

Beyond Farms and Flags: Successes and Challenges of Advocating for Sexual Health in Rural Communities

Building Inclusive Puberty & Sexual Health Curricula for Elementary Through High School

Centering Black Bodies, Black History and Black Wellness Within Sex Ed

The (In)Visibility of Intersex Folx in Sex Ed

Naming the Unnamed: Utilizing a Sex-Positive, Pleasure-Forward Curriculum to Reduce Sexual Violence and Sex Trafficking

Workshop Block 4

December 7, 10:45 – 11:45 am

A Case for Sex Education about Older Adults in Gerontology and Geriatrics Programs

Church Girl, Don’t Hurt Nobody: Examining the Sexuality Identity Development of Black Women of Faith

SCOUT IT: Making Evidence-Based Programs Disability Inclusive

Survivor Safe Sex Ed: Facilitating Quality Sex Education That Prevents Sexual Violence and Empowers Survivors

The Transformative Power of Representation in Sex Ed

Workshop Block 5

December 8, 9:15 – 10:15 am

Centering Racial Justice in Sex Education

Fit and Why It Is Crucial to Success in Implementation of Evidence-Based Interventions

Making People CARE: Social Emotional Learning and Consent Education

Workshop Block 6

December 8, 10:15 – 11:15 am

Integrating Sexual Exploitation and Economic Abuse Into Health Relationship and Sex Education

Rompiendo barreras, potenciando el acceso: viendo la conexión entre la educación y los pacientes